Tips For Successful Beehive Removal

A task such as beehive removal can be a frightening-sounding job to undertake, especially if you have a fear of the stinging insects. It doesn't have to be, but there are certain tips you should consider making note of before taking on a task such as this.


Obviously, you should not take on the task of beehive removal if you have an allergy to the insects; instead, you will want to call in a professional to handle the situation. If you are unsure whether or not you are allergic to bee stings, it's recommended that you make an appointment to see your doctor right away to undergo the necessary tests.


The first step to take is to locate the beehive itself. Generally, beehives can be found in areas such as chimneys and even in the walls of your home, but they can also be found in attics, garbage cans, and any other open structure of your home.


Professional beehive removers generally wear smooth-textured, light-colored clothing; if you are taking on a beehive removal task yourself, then you should consider wearing the same, as bees are generally aggravated by rougher and darker-colored clothing. You will also want to search for and invest in leather gloves and a beekeeper's veil to assist you in the task. A bee smoker is also a useful tool to consider purchasing, as these help calm bees and make them a lot less likely to sting you.

While wearing the necessary clothing is a must for beehive removal, it is absolutely important that you do not wear such things as perfume, cologne, or any other kind of scented deodorant. This can actually make the bees confuse your scent with the scent of flowers, which can increase the risk of you getting stung.


The best time to perform the removal of a beehive is either in the late winter or early spring. Before removing the hive, put your protective clothing on and be sure to spray the hive with an insecticide, preferably in the late afternoon since that is when the bees will likely be in their nest. Bees also sleep during the evening and early morning hours; so either of those times would also be good to use an insecticide on the nest to effectively kill them. Repeat this several times in order to make sure that all the bees are killed.


Once the bees in the hive have been killed, put your protective clothing back on and remove the hive itself. Be sure to destroy the hive as well before disposing of it; you could use something such as a bat or similar item to assist you in this. Destroying the hive will also prevent bees from neighboring colonies from moving into your home and building another hive. After the hive has been destroyed, place it in a garbage bag and very securely tie it. Place the bag in a garbage can and place the lid on it tightly.

After the hive has been safely removed, scrub the area that it was in thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. You also will want to plug up any and all entrances and seal any walls where bees could potentially re-enter the space.

Following these simple and necessary steps, or calling a beehive expert such as ASAP Bee Removal, will ensure that your beehive removal job is a smooth and successful one.
